Halloween Masks 2024

Creepy Siren - The Sound of Doom


Impressive and imposing in scale, the Creepy Siren lurks in the dimension of bile and flesh. Bleating a horrible sound resembling the death fits of a twisted mountain goat or a sheep in distress.

Beware and cover your ears young ones … this creature feeds on fear and stalks its victims

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The Visitor - Green Alien Mask Oktober Studios - The Visitor - Green Alien Halloween Mask - Lord Grimley's Manor

The Visitor - Green Alien Mask

Green Witch of Westfalia - Oktober

Green Witch of Westfalia - Oktober

Frightmare - Alien Scream Mask

Frightmare - Alien Scream Mask

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Wicca Witch - Oktober Studios

Haxan (The Witch)

Haxan (The Witch)
